Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Sign Everything With Your Name

behind the post office I found a whole puddle full of
with their ugly broken little peeping mouths
like wilted flower petals.
or rotten vegetables.
liked steamed asparagus
useless tweaking little men.

And I stomped them, for the sheer delight.

In this case, he explained, the wayward frog evidently rolled itself into a tiny ball the size and shape of a pea, thus escaping detection during the automated sorting process. Come to find out, this is a fairly well-known phenomenon in the vegetable packing industry.

Friday, February 16, 2007

I Really Wanna Move to The Country

and meet some back woods hippies.
go to community college.
and talk about poisoned ivy, on our arms, or poisoned army or the kiss army or kissing your own arm.

I really want to leave the city. I don't believe in it's tenacity, or grandeur . Ever since the decline of organized religion and worship and strict loyalty there of they stopped building really cool buildings.

I'm going to have my wedding in firehall, where they usually park the trucks. and drink from a champagne fountain powered by an aquarium pump.

pump up the volume. dance, dance.